"Every good and perfect gift is from above" ~ James 1:17

Monday, September 17, 2012

20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go!!

How far along? 20 weeks today!!

Maternity clothes? I bought my first ever maternity pants (2 pairs) the other day. They're pretty comfortable, and I saw it as a necessity to get them because unfortunately I can't live in capris and dresses this entire pregnancy :). They are pretty stylish too as far as maternity pants go, so that's a plus :)

Stretch marks? No new ones that I know of

Sleep: Alright...I wake up too much at night that I still feel tired in the morning. Right now it is 4am and I've been trying to get back to sleep for an hour...since that didn't seem to be happening, I decided I'd update this :) (I think I'm just really excited about Wednesday and Adrian's party)

Best moment this week: So far: Manny feeling the baby kick for the first time last night :) I loved seeing the smile on his face and I think it became just a little more real to him. Best moment to come will have to be the ultrasound! It's funny because people have commented that I have a lot of strong will for not wanting to know at the ultrasound what gender baby is and choosing to wait until Saturday to find out with everyone else. The way I see it is that the most important thing to me is making sure that the baby is growing healthy & strong. That is my #1 priority...I've waited this long not knowing the gender that 3 days won't kill me, but knowing that baby is healthy has been my concern the entire time, so I am extremely anxious to confirm that everything is great!

Movement: I've FINALLY been feeling movement every day for the past week I'd say. It is so sporadic that I can't anticipate when it might happen, and its not for long that he/she kicks, so I try to enjoy it while it lasts. Adrian was like an acrobat at this point constantly flipping, kicking, and moving around. I knew that I'd have my hands full with him, so this gives me hope that this one will be very mellow and laid back ;)

Cravings: My cravings are highly influenced by talk of or seeing pictures of certain foods...for instance, last night someone pinned something about cookies and cream popcorn (yuck) but I instantly started craving cookies & cream ice cream (it was delicious by the way lol) other than that, I'm eating normal :)

Gender: 6 days and we will know for sure! I'm so looking forward to it! Here's our guess game if you want to play along. http://www.expectnet.com/games/BabyPena2

Labor Signs: None, and lets keep it that way for 20 more weeks!

Belly Button in or out? Still in

Rings on or off? Still on

What I miss: My energy...most days I feel too tired to do much, but on Saturday I'd have to say I had a burst if energy & the downstairs benefited greatly and looks wonderful! Haha

What I am looking forward to: Definitely, without a doubt, the ultrasound on Wednesday. Seeing the baby and confirming everything is great will be such a relief for me. Also, I am SO looking forward to celebrating Adrian's 2nd birthday! I can't believe that in less than a week he will be 2 already! He is our world and such a sweet, loving, stubborn, crazy, caring, and perfect little man and we are so blessed to have such a wonderful kid in our lives :)

Weekly Wisdom: Patience is key in any aspect if your life, and trusting that God's plan is greater than anything you may plan for yourself is essential. I strive to have more patience with my son, and I continue to try and have more patience when it comes to the anticipation of many expectations that pregnancy brings up. I love my family, I love my life, and I am thankful every day for having one more day to spend time with those I love. I think that having children makes you more thankful in life, even when they drive you crazy, there is nothing like the feeling of infinite love you can only experience by having a child.  We watched a movie this weekend called "The Backup Plan," and a quote that I thought was so funny but so true was this:  The male main character asks a dad at a playground, "What's it like, the whole kid thing?" Playground dad responds, "It's awful, awful, awful. Then a small moment happens, that's so magical that makes it all worthwhile."  Now while I wouldn't exactly describe the harder times as awful, I'd descibe them as trying, tough and honestly just living real life moments, but it's so true that there will be moments (sometimes several in a day) that you forget everything hard that has happened, your heart melts and it's almost as if life is renewed in your heart.  It's hard to put into words, but to some up the feeling of having children in your life in one word: Wonderful!

Milestone: We are halfway there! Woo hoo! I swear that this pregnancy has flown by 10Xs faster than last time! February is quickly approaching! I'm glad we finally will know the gender so I can begin to get everything in order & ready for baby to come (now if only my bank account would allow me to buy everything at once LOL)!

20 Weeks!!
Updates and pictures SOON to follow (maybe Saturday, definitely Sunday) regarding Adrian's Birthday party & baby gender reveal!!  Stay tuned!! ;)


1 comment:

  1. It is amazing, once you hold the baby in your arms, you can't imagine the baby being different than they are, and even if you wanted a boy and got a girl, or vica versa, it doesn't matter, you are holding your son or daughter, and a little piece of heaven.
