Maternity clothes? Not yet, but some of my capris are getting tight, so much so that I'm down to 2 that I wear because I don't think I'll stretch them out yet and 2 pairs of shorts. I've been wearing dresses more often these days too haha I will try and go as long as possible to avoid maternity clothes shopping just because I know I will need a nice winter wardrobe, so I'll save the spending for that.
Stretch marks? No new ones that I know of
Sleep: Okay...I've been having some strange dreams lately, so that wakes me up and I can't seem to sleep for an hr or so after waking...I haven't had to make the frequent trips to the restroom though, so that's nice haha
Best moment this week: Scheduling the ultrasound appointment! Woo hoo! We get to see baby #2 on Sept. 19th, but are waiting to reveal the gender (ourselves included) until Adrian's party on the 22nd :) So no bugging me on the 19th because I will not know! ;)
Movement: I think I lied last time about movement (not on purpose, maybe just wishful thinking). I don't think I've felt anything definite that I can say, "oh yeah that's the baby and not gas" LOL. Kind of a bummer because I thought I'd feel something by now :( Just makes the wait between appts seem much longer.
Cravings: Pizza, but I haven't indulged in my craving because I know its not healthy & I'm sure Manny would not appreciate me buying pizza several times a week haha. Yesterday and today though I am craving some Olive Garden salad! Just the salad haha. I may make a trip to sweet tomatoes today for lunch ;)
Gender: 23 days until the big reveal!! By the way, if you haven't already, visit my guessing game page and add your entry of your guesses:
Labor Signs: None, and lets keep it that way for 23 more weeks! Belly Button in or out? Still in Rings on or off? Still on
What I miss: Not being hungry all the time LOL. After doing anything around the house (dishes, picking up, laundry, etc) I have to sit down and eat something and relax for a bit because I just get run down so easily now
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender!! I have things I want to do for baby but I NEED to know boy or girl! Haha, those 3 days between the ultrasound & party will be torture! (but I think very worth the surprise) Before that though, I just look forward to hearing baby's little heartbeat at my appt on the 11th :)
Weekly Wisdom: You can't expect your pregnancy to be similar to the last. Just because you experience something in the first, doesn't mean it'll happen the same with the next. This whole not being able to feel the baby thing has really taken a toll on me because I expected to feel by now, with certainty, the baby's kicks & movements. I know that it was a rarity to feel Adrian so soon, but that's honestly just his personality...he is an active little guy now and was when he was growing inside me as well. Which gives me hope that this next little one will be more calm and laid back after birth as well. But my growing waistline and one time hearing the heartbeat, doesn't give me the comfort that everything is alright like the flutters and kicks do. I feel like by this time with Adrian I had bonded more with him as well because the kicks were more frequent and I felt kind of his way of saying "here I am mommy, I'm just fine and growing healthy and strong." All I can do is pray that everything is going well, that the ultrasound will be just perfect without concerns and that eventually baby will big enough that there won't be a doubt in my mind that baby is moving & doing well. (so please just keep us in your prayers for health and for patience for me) :)
Milestone: According to my pregnancy journal book, today is my 102nd day of pregnancy with 164 days left to go! Our baby is adding to his or her list of reflex behaviors including blinking, sucking and swallowing right now. By birth our baby will display 70 different reflex behaviors! :) Grow baby grow!
17 WEEKS :)
Goofy big brother!
Adrian says this picture is "cute"
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