"Every good and perfect gift is from above" ~ James 1:17

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Half a year...Six months...Seis meses...

However you want to say it, all I know is...My Baby Is Getting So Big!!!  When they say time flies when you have a baby, they really mean it!  I remember going to school thinking that the days, weeks, months would never end until Summer break came around again, and now I really see how quickly time can actually get away from you.  These past 6 months have probably been the best (and most difficult at times) months that I can remember.  It really is true that they don't stay small forever, but you better believe I am savoring and cherishing these moments one second at a time.

HaPpY SiX MoNtHs AdRiAn!!!

Eating like a big boy in my new highchair:

I'm trying to crawl...almost got it!!!

Just being cute:

Rolling over back to front and making his noises :)

1 comment:

  1. He's growing up so fast, can't believe he's 6 months already~ Wow & such a cutie :O)
