Also, Adrian turned 7 months old on Saturday, and his Abuelita & Abuelo came over and visited with him for a little, and yesterday we did his first Easter egg hunt at the veterans home. He "found" 3 eggs lol, & met the Easter Bunny, whom he thought was so cool, kind of like a giant stuffed animal lol. (I can't wait until next year when he can actually search for eggs :) We were invited to a neighbor's house for their Easter get together in the afternoon (hooray new friends!!!), and then we went over to Gramma Anne & Grampa's house for Easter dinner. It was a good weekend, and of course I took a bunch of pictures. I feel so bad for my little baby though because I gave him a cough, so he's been congested and coughing for a few days now...I hope it goes away pretty quick because that, mixed with extreme teething right now, makes for one cranky little Adrian :( (and one sleep deprived mommy)
They grow too quick...

Happy 7 months Adrian!
Kisses for baby lol
He found the motherload!!
One happy grandkid with his Gramma
You're silly, easter bunny!
Yay! Easter is fun!
Are these edible? Lemme see!
Happy Easter!!!