"Every good and perfect gift is from above" ~ James 1:17

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Time is Here Again

I can't believe it's almost Christmas! How exciting to have our first Christmas as a family! He's a little young to appreciate the ripping of wrapping paper and the surprise of the gifts that are under the tree, but I am so happy to be able to share those things with him and watch him grow. My favorite part of the season doesn't come wrapped in packages though...it's being able to spend time with the ones I love and appreciate all of the intangible gifts life gives, like love, family and friendship. It does make me miss loved ones that are no longer with us, but they are with our savior, the one who this season is really about.

I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

He talks!!!

Maybe not words, but he's trying.  So cute...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lots of stuff to update!

Wow, it has been too long since I've posted last, but thats probably because of all the crazyness that has been going on lately!  We finally got into our new house and are settling in very nicely.  It has taken a couple weeks to get everything in order, but I think now things are coming along nicely...we still have some boxes to go through, but for the most part, everything is done.  I just have the fun part to do now (decorating)  :) 

Since my last blog, Adrian has made some more milestones like cooing...his first word is "ah goo"  okay okay, so it's not a real word, but he says it pretty well...and uses it in all different occassions, like happy, sad, and angry...it's a versatile word I guess ;)  He also had his first shot and seemed to do pretty well, and he has his follow up ultrasound appointment on Friday.  I am getting nervous for it, although he is making all of his milestones and seems to be doing great, I still have that fear that the doctor will say something is not quite right... I guess I get anxious now with any kind of testing just because when we went into the ultrasound to find out his gender, I never expected to get bad news like we did, but obviously everything turned out fine.  This ultrasound is just for piece of mind, but is still nerve-wrecking beforehand nonetheless.

Adrian is such a great little baby and I am so glad that we have him in our lives.  He smiles a lot now which is SO great.  There was a time that he just constantly cried and I just couldn't calm him down...I was so envious of all the other moms because it seemed like all of their babies were being so great and I just happened to be the "lucky" one to get the baby that cried all the time...I felt like a horibble mom and called my mom on several occassions to tell her just that.  Manny would tell me that I was doing a great job and that I was a great mom, but I just couldn't believe him on those "bad" days.  Everyone would say that it would get better, but it just didn't seem to get better quickly enough...well, the time has come finally!  :)  Yes, he still cries, but it's usually only if he's hungry or when he's really tired and fighting sleep.  He sleeps really well at night and is only waking at least once to eat, but goes right back to sleep after burping.  I am looking forward to the day that he sleeps through the night, but him waking once at night is not bad at all :)

I have plenty of pictures to share, so I willl get right to it...I will also try and get before and after pictures of the house up soon too. Enjoy!! (if you click on the pics, you can see them bigger)

 Movies... :)  Pay no attention to me, I sound crazy lol