Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
I just haven't met you yet
So this song was shared by a mom on my baby bulletin board, and although it is probably meant to be a song to a significant other, it works for a parent-child relationship...Again, probably hormones, but it made me tear up because listening to it from the point of view of a parent to child, it's very sweet...you can read the lyrics along with the song :) Enjoy...it made my day a little brighter! I so can't wait to meet this little kid that has already stolen my heart!!
Worry, Worry, Worry...
First off I want to say congrats to all the new mommy's out there!!!! My sister Tiffany had her beautiful baby boy Jeffery last night, and he is so adorable!! 7.55lbs and perfect as can be!! I think I'm in love and I've only seen a couple pictures :) Also, my co-worker and neighbor had their perfect little girls (one was 6.6 lbs, the other was 9.4lbs!!! What a difference 3 lbs can make in the size of babies!!) I got to hold both of them, and they are just too precious!
So here's my dilemma...I am SO excited for everyone, but today my pregnancy hormones set in and with the ultrasound looming closer and closer, I am getting less excited and more anxious about it again. I have been very positive about the whole thing for weeks now and believing that everything has to be okay because he's so active...but I went in to the last ultrasound thinking that everything was great and ended up with a less than positive ending to the appointment. I want more than anything for the doctor to tell us that everything is okay, and that I will give birth to a perfectly healthy baby...I have seen three babies born in the past 48 hours that were born perfect in every way, and I just want that so bad for my little Adrian. I just have to force myself to remain positive these next couple of days, but also not get my hopes up too much...I know that the diagnosis wasn't the difference between life or death, but I hope that the cysts haven't grown or if they have, that it has been a very small change and that the brain scan looks normal this time...so please, keep him in your prayers...we really have appreciated all of the prayers and support these past 8-9 weeks :)
So here's my dilemma...I am SO excited for everyone, but today my pregnancy hormones set in and with the ultrasound looming closer and closer, I am getting less excited and more anxious about it again. I have been very positive about the whole thing for weeks now and believing that everything has to be okay because he's so active...but I went in to the last ultrasound thinking that everything was great and ended up with a less than positive ending to the appointment. I want more than anything for the doctor to tell us that everything is okay, and that I will give birth to a perfectly healthy baby...I have seen three babies born in the past 48 hours that were born perfect in every way, and I just want that so bad for my little Adrian. I just have to force myself to remain positive these next couple of days, but also not get my hopes up too much...I know that the diagnosis wasn't the difference between life or death, but I hope that the cysts haven't grown or if they have, that it has been a very small change and that the brain scan looks normal this time...so please, keep him in your prayers...we really have appreciated all of the prayers and support these past 8-9 weeks :)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Art Projects, Pictures, etc...
So we got the bedding set last Monday the 14th in the mail YAY...so right away I had to my art projects that I've been planning...well today, I finished his name wall hanging, and now I'm going to be starting on some other wall art for the room (a crochet afghan and quilt are also on my list of things to do too lol...oh and a scrapbook (can't forget that!)
Anyway, I am soooooo excited about how good the name wall hanging turned out!!! Here are some pics...
Symptoms: I've had some low back pain lately, but not too bad...I just put some ice on it when I get home, and that usually does the trick.
Sleep: Pretty good until 3am or so...then I start waking up every hour to an hour and 1/2 having to go to the bathroom (grrr)
Best Moment this Week: Finishing one of my many art projects I plan to do, and making the nursery feel like a boys room instead of how girly it was before (still much to accomplish though)
Food Cravings: This week I craved a baked a potato...mmm they are sooo good. Other than that I am still not having any weird cravings...just healthy stuff, which is great (oh and the occassional sweet treat here and there lol)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out?: Still in...doesn't look like it has too long to go until it pops though :(
Rings on or off?: Still on...no puffy fingers here :)
Movement: Oh my goodness, this kid never stops! I am SO going to have my hands full when he gets here! He is definatly his father's son though because he likes his own space...if I lay my hand or arm on my stomach, he immediately lets me know I am crowding him and kicks until I remove my hand lol
Milestones: Being one month closer...I really can't believe how fast this is going by and how much he's growing now.
And now...a new picture...I went to my friend's baby shower yesterday (so much fun!)...she's 36 weeks (10 weeks ahead of me)...she's still bigger than me, but not by much (thanks mom for the big baby genes) lol
Anyway, I am soooooo excited about how good the name wall hanging turned out!!! Here are some pics...
With the Bed Set
Hanging on the wall
Monthly Questionaire:
How far along: 25 weeks, 6 days (going by 9/27 edd)
Weight gain: 22-23 lbs - growin, growin, growin :)
Stretch marks: none so far still...yay! Symptoms: I've had some low back pain lately, but not too bad...I just put some ice on it when I get home, and that usually does the trick.
Sleep: Pretty good until 3am or so...then I start waking up every hour to an hour and 1/2 having to go to the bathroom (grrr)
Best Moment this Week: Finishing one of my many art projects I plan to do, and making the nursery feel like a boys room instead of how girly it was before (still much to accomplish though)
Food Cravings: This week I craved a baked a potato...mmm they are sooo good. Other than that I am still not having any weird cravings...just healthy stuff, which is great (oh and the occassional sweet treat here and there lol)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out?: Still in...doesn't look like it has too long to go until it pops though :(
Rings on or off?: Still on...no puffy fingers here :)
Movement: Oh my goodness, this kid never stops! I am SO going to have my hands full when he gets here! He is definatly his father's son though because he likes his own space...if I lay my hand or arm on my stomach, he immediately lets me know I am crowding him and kicks until I remove my hand lol
Milestones: Being one month closer...I really can't believe how fast this is going by and how much he's growing now.
And now...a new picture...I went to my friend's baby shower yesterday (so much fun!)...she's 36 weeks (10 weeks ahead of me)...she's still bigger than me, but not by much (thanks mom for the big baby genes) lol
Thursday, June 10, 2010
24 Weeks and counting!
So I went and saw Margie yesterday, and Karla got to come with this time. I think it was exciting for her to hear his heartbeat because she had a big grin on her face :) I am measuring bigger than average still...29cm this time...but I have been growing consistently at the same rate, so that is good :) His heartrate was 141 this time.
He gets more and more active each day...and I love it! I know that he is doing well, and I am looking forward to the next ultrasound on the 29th. I just know in my heart that everything will be okay, so I'm getting excited to see how much he's grown in these past couple of weeks.
I am also looking forward to having a little photoshoot to capture this wonderful time...a friend of mine has requested to take some photographs...this will be her first time taking pictures of a pregnant woman, but she does excellent work, and I love being a guinnea pig for her lol...I am a Callison girl so being in front of the camera is pretty much second nature at this point lol...Karla is going to do my makeup for me, so I will be all glamed up :) Now I just need to shop for a couple of outfits ;)
Other than that, Manny and I have been trying to walk at least a mile or so each day or every other day...we have to do it at night now since it's so hot out!! Summer is here :)
Here are some pics from last weekend...enjoy! :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
New Crib Set
I didn't think that buying bedding would be so hard...and I'm sure it didn't have to be as difficult as I made it either, but I just wanted to make the "right" choice...girl stuff is a piece of cake...but when it comes to boys, I'm kinda lost...there were several crib sets I liked, but I always seem to have expensive taste as well, so they were pretty expensive...I lost a bid on ebay by $2.50 yesterday, so I was back on the market shopping for something that was actually in a reasonable price range. I shopped around today, and even looked into the possibility of making my own (if I wasn't working, that may be possible, but it would probably take me forever to complete, and I'd eventually get bored with it). I found nothing in the stores, so back on the internet I went. I came across this set, and although it's not the exact colors I wanted...I think that it is a really great choice and the set came with 10 pieces! (A Quilt, a blanket, bumpers, sheets, dust ruffle, diaper stacker, decorative pillow, and 3 wall hangings)...I'm not a big fan of the wall hangings (I had planned on making my own to begin with), but it's still a really great deal for the number of items that it comes with...so here it is...I can't wait to see it in the mail :)

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