How far along: 22 weeks (going by 9/27 edd)
Weight gain: 15 lbs so far...and it seems like most of it showed up in the past 2 weeks lol
Stretch marks: none so far...yay! I'm am definately not giving up on the lotion any time soon :)
Symptoms: Sometimes I feel a little nauseous after eating dinner or a bigger meal, but that may be due to the fact that I usually try and lay down or lay back and relax after and may have some acid reflux or something going on. I feel pretty good and active...I was able to clean the entire house this weekend and I was soooo relieved about that, but my feet and back were aching at the end. I have to use the restroom whenever I stand up (and sneezing is not my friend if you know what I mean).
Sleep: I am having some trouble sleeping...I have no problem falling asleep, but around 3am, I start tossing and turning and it is hard for me to get comfortable. I'll find a good position and then wake up 30-40 mins later and have to roll over.
Best Moment this Week: Being able to visit with friends and family...all of whom can't resist touching the belly and talking to little Adrian. He just wouldn't kick for anyone this week, but man, as soon as I lay down in bed, he moves around a lot (probably getting himself comfortable for sleep) :)
Food Cravings: Nothing really...I had been eating at Chipotle at least twice a week, but now I have switched to wanting Samurai Sam's at least twice a week (All white chicken meat, rice, veggies, with teriaki sauce). Oh and salad too this week...we tried going to Sweet Tomatoes on Friday, but apparently everyone else in Henderson wanted salad too, so we ended up going to Marie Calendars and I have a chicken pot pie with a salad :) I have had a sweet tooth lately too though I must admit.
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out?: Still in...although Margie keeps reminding me that I will need to buy a pregnancy belly ring soon lol
Rings on or off?: Ring still swelling in my hands thank goodness, I can't decide if my ankles have swelled a little or not though...I never really paid attention to them before so I have nothing to compare them too lol
Movement: Lot's of movement...especially when I lay down for bed and around lunch time too
Milestones: Having a baby belly that looks like a baby belly! 22 weeks...they went by really fast! Here's to the next 18!